Ceroplastes rusci
Ceroplastes rusci | ||||||||||||||||||
Siyentipiko nga pagklasipika | ||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||
Binomial nga ngaran | ||||||||||||||||||
Ceroplastes rusci (Linnaeus, 1758) | ||||||||||||||||||
Mga sinonimo | ||||||||||||||||||
Ceroplastes tenuitectus Green, 1907 |
An Ceroplastes rusci[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102][103][104][105][106][107][108][109][110][111][112][113][114][115][116][117][118][119][120][121][122][123][124][125][126][127][128][129][130][131][132][133][134][135][136][137][138][139][140][141][142][143][144][145][146][147][148][149][150][151] in uska species han Insecta nga syahan ginhulagway ni Linnaeus hadton 1758. An Ceroplastes rusci in nahilalakip ha genus nga Ceroplastes, ngan familia nga Coccidae.[152][153] Waray hini subspecies nga nakalista.[152]
Mga kasarigan
[igliwat | Igliwat an wikitext]- ↑ Ben-Dov, Y. (1993) A systematic catalogue of the soft scale insects of the world (Homoptera: Coccoidea: Coccidae) with data on geographical distribution, host plants, biology and economic importance. Flora & Fauna Handbook, No. 9.,
- ↑ Fernald, M.E. (1903) A catalogue of the Coccidae of the world., Bulletin of the Hatch Experiment Station of the Massachusetts Agricultural College
- ↑ Cockerell, T.D.A. (1896) A check list of the Coccidae., Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History
- ↑ Balachowsky, A.S. (1927) Contribution à l'étude des coccides de l'Afrique mineure (1re note)., Annales de la Société Entomologique de France
- ↑ Danzig, E.M. (1972) Insects and ticks. {In} "Pests of Forest.", Akademii Nauk (SSR) Zoologicheskogo Instituta Leningrad
- ↑ Bodenheimer, F.S. (1935) Studies on the zoogeography and ecology of palearctic Coccidae I-III., EOS
- ↑ Kozár, F. & Walter, J. (1985) Check-list of the Palaearctic Coccoidea (Homoptera)., Folia Entomologica Hungarica
- ↑ Newstead, R. (1911) Observations on African scale insects (Coccidae). (No. 3)., Bulletin of Entomological Research
- ↑ Longo, S., Marotta, S., Pellizzari, G., Russo, A. & Tranfaglia, A. (1995) An annotated list of the scale insects (Homoptera: Coccoidea) of Italy., Israel Journal of Entomology
- ↑ Georghiou, G.P. (1977) The insects and mites of Cyprus.,
- ↑ Bodenheimer, F.S. (1926) Première note sur les cochenilles de Syrie., Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France
- ↑ Bodenheimer, F.S. (1924) The Coccidae of Palestine. First report on this family., Zionist Organization Institute of Agriculture and Natural History, Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin
- ↑ Lindinger, L. (1912) Die Schildläuse (Coccidae) Europas, Nordafrikas und Vorder-Asiens, einschliesslich der Azoren, der Kanaren und Madeiras.,
- ↑ Kozár, F., Fowjhan, M.A. & Zarrabi, M. (1996) Check-list of Coccoidea and Aleyrodoidea (Homoptera) of Afghanistan and Iran, with additional data to the scale insects of fruit trees in Iran., Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica
- ↑ Cockerell, T.D.A. (1899) Article VII. - First supplement to the check-list of the Coccidae., Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History
- ↑ Gómez-Menor Ortega, J. (1937) Cóccidos de España.,
- ↑ Mamet, J.R. (1943) A revised list of the Coccoidea of the islands of the western Indian Ocean, south of the equator., Mauritius Institute Bulletin. Port Louis
- ↑ Walker, F. (1852) List of the specimens of homopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum, Part IV.,
- ↑ Abou-Elkhair, S. (2001) Scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccidae) and their parasitoids on ornamental plants in Alexandria, Egypt., Entomologica
- ↑ Carnero Hernandez, A. & Perez Guerra, G. (1986) [Coccids of the Canary Islands.] Coccidos (Homoptera: Coccoidea) de las Islas Canarias., Communicaciones Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias, Serie: Protección Vegetal. Madrid
- ↑ Newstead, R. (1917) Observations on scale-insects (Coccidae) - V., Bulletin of Entomological Research
- ↑ Nakahara, S. & Miller, C.E. (1981) A list of the Coccoidea species (Homoptera) of Puerto Rico., Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington
- ↑ Nakahara, S. (1983) List of the Coccoidea species (Homoptera) of the United States Virgin Islands., United States Department of Agriculture, Plant Protection and Quarantine, APHIS [Mimeograph]
- ↑ Cockerell, T.D.A. (1893) A list of West Indian Coccidae., Journal of the Institute of Jamaica
- ↑ Martorell, L.F. (1976) Annotated food plant catalog of the insects of Puerto Rico.,
- ↑ Leonardi, G. (1920) Monografia delle cocciniglie Italiane.,
- ↑ Hall, W.J. (1922) Observations on the Coccidae of Egypt., Bulletin, Ministry of Agriculture, Egypt, Technical and Scientific Service
- ↑ Ayoutantis, A. (1940) Scale insects observed on citrus in the island of Crete., International Bulletin of Plant Protection
- ↑ Del Guercio, G. (1906) [Scale insects of citrus.] Le cocciniglie degli agrumi., Bollettino Ufficiale del Ministero Industriale e Commerciale (Roma)
- ↑ Borg, P. (1919) The scale insects of the Maltese Islands.,
- ↑ Borg, J. (1932) Scale Insects of the Maltese Islands.,
- ↑ Borchsenius, N.S. (1937) Tables for the identification of coccids (Coccidae) injurious to cultivated plants and forests in the USSR.,
- ↑ Vayssière, P. (1920) Les insects nuisibles aux cultures du Maroc (2e note)., Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France
- ↑ Targioni Tozzetti, A. (1884) Relazione intorno ai lavori della R. Stazione di Entomologia Agraria di Firenze per gli anni 1879-80. Article V. - omotteri., Annali di Agricoltura. (Ministero di Agricoltura, Industria e Commercio). Firenze, Roma
- ↑ Pelekassis, C.E.D. (1962) A catalogue of the more important insects and other animals harmful to the agricultural crops of Greece during the last thirty-year period., Annales de l'Institut Phytopathologique Benaki
- ↑ Paoli, G. (1915) Contributo alla conoscenze della cocciniglie della Sardegna., Redia (1915)
- ↑ Monastero, S. (1962) Le cocciniglie degli agrumi in Sicilia ({Mytilococcus beckii} New. -- {Parlatoria zizyphus} Lucas -- {Coccus hesperidum} L. -- {Pseudococcus adonidum} L. -- {Coccus oleae} Bern. -- {Ceroplastes rusci} L.)., Bollettino dell' Istituto di Entomologia Agraria dell Università Palmero
- ↑ Cockerell, T.D.A. (1894) A check list of the Coccidae of the Neotropical Region., Journal of the Trinidad Field Naturalists' Club
- ↑ Signoret, V. (1869) Essai sur les cochenilles ou gallinsectes (Homoptères - Coccides) 2e partie., Annales de la Société Entomologique de France
- ↑ Balachowsky, A.S. (1931) Contribution à l'étude des coccides de France (5e note). Faune de Corse., Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France
- ↑ Hall, W.J. (1923) Further observations on the Coccidae of Egypt., Bulletin, Ministry of Agriculture, Egypt, Technical and Scientific Service
- ↑ Melis, A. (1930) [Contribution to knowledge of pests to crops and forests of Sardinia.] Contribuzione alla conoscenza degli insetti dannosi alle piante agrarie e forestali della Sardegna., Redia
- ↑ Koteja, J. (1974) Comparative studies on the labium in the Coccinea (Homoptera)., Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczej w Warszawie, Rozprawy Naukowe
- ↑ Gómez-Menor Ortega, J. (1948) Adiciones a los "Cóccidos de España" (2a nota)., EOS
- ↑ Foldi, I. (2000) [Diversity and modification of the scale insects communities of the Hyères islands in natural and man-modified environments (Hemiptera: Coccoidea).], Annales de la Société Entomologique de France
- ↑ Bodenheimer, F.S. (1944) Additions to the Coccoidea of Iraq, with descriptions of two new species., Bulletin de la Société Fouad 1er d'Entomologie
- ↑ Bodenheimer, F.S. (1928) Eine kleine Cocciden-Ausbeute aus Griechenland., Konowia
- ↑ Lindinger, L. (1911) Afrikanische Schildläuse. IV. Kanarische Cocciden. Ein Beitrag zur Fauna der Kanarischen Inseln., Jahrbuch der Hamburgischen Wissenschaftlichen Anstalten
- ↑ Hall, W.J. (1927) Notes on the Coccidae of the eastern desert of Egypt., Bulletin de la Société Entomologique d'Egypte
- ↑ Borchsenius, N.S. (1957) [Subtribe mealybugs and scales (Coccoidea). Soft scale insects Coccidae. Vol. IX.], Fauna SSSR. Zoologicheskii Institut Akademii Nauk SSSR. N.S.
- ↑ Foldi, I. (2003) [The scale insects of Corsica (Hemiptera, Coccoidea).] Les cochenilles de Corse (Hemiptera, Coccoidea)., Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France
- ↑ Rosen, D. (1966) Keys for the identification of the hymenopterous parasites of scale insects, aphids and aleyrodids on citrus in Israel., Scripta Hierosalym
- ↑ Vieira, R.M.S., Carmona, M.M. & Pita, M.S. (1983) [On the coccoids of the Madeira Archipelago (Homoptera - Coccoidea).] Sobre os coccideos do Arquipelago da Madeira (Homoptera - Coccoidea)., Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal. Madeira
- ↑ Talhouk, A.M.S. (1969) Insects and mites injurious to crops in Middle Eastern countries., Monographien zur Angewandte Entomologie
- ↑ Bodenheimer, F.S. (1953) The Coccoidea of Turkey III., Revue de la Faculté des Sciences de l'Université d'Istanbul (Ser. B)
- ↑ Kaussari, M. (1957) [The second list of scales from Iran.] La deuxième liste des cochenilles de l'Iran., Ministère de l'Agriculture, Entomologie et Phytopathologie Appliquées, Publication du Département Général de la Protection Plantes. Tehran
- ↑ Green, E.E. (1907) XII. Notes on the Coccidae collected by the Percy Sladen Trust Expedition to the Indian Ocean: supplemented by a collection received from Mr. R. Dupont, Director of Agriculture, Seychelles., Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology
- ↑ Barber, C.L. (1893) Leeward Island Coccidae., Insect Life
- ↑ Kozár, F. (1985) New data to the knowledge of scale-insects of Bulgaria, Greece, and Rumania (Homoptera: Coccoidea)., Acta Phytopathologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
- ↑ Danzig, E.M. (1972) Contributions to the knowledge of the scale insects fauna (Homoptera, Coccoidea) of Afghanistan., Entomologicheskoe Obozrenye
- ↑ Williams, D.J. & Watson, G.W. (1990) The scale insects of the tropical South Pacific region. Pt. 3: The soft scales (Coccidae) and other families.,
- ↑ Matile-Ferrero, D. (1988) Sternorrhyncha: Suborder Coccoidea of Saudi Arabia (Part 2)., Fauna of Saudi Arabia
- ↑ Balachowsky, A.S. (1935) Les cochenilles de l'Espagne., Revue de Pathologie vegetale et d'Entomologie agricole de France
- ↑ Gómez-Menor Ortega, J. (1967) Lista de Coccoidea de las Islas Canarias (adiciones) (Hemiptera, Homoptera)., EOS
- ↑ Gómez-Menor Ortega, J. (1946) Adiciones a los "Cóccidos de España" (1a nota)., EOS
- ↑ Ezzat, Y.M. & Nada, S.M.A. (1987) List of Superfamily Coccoidea as known to exist in Egypt., Bollettino del Laboratorio di Entomologia Agraria 'Filippo Silvestri'
- ↑ Qin, T.K. & Gullan, P.J. (1995) A cladistic analysis of wax scales., Systematic Entomology
- ↑ Qin, T.K., Gullan, P.J., Beattie, G.A.C., Trueman, J.W.H., Cranston, P.S., Fletcher, M.J. & Sands, D.P.A. (1994) The current distribution and geographical origin of the scale insect pest {Ceroplastes sinensis} (Hemiptera: Coccidae)., Bulletin of Entomological Research
- ↑ Hall, W.J. (1931) Observations on the Coccidae of southern Rhodesia., Transactions of the Entomological Society of London
- ↑ Hodgson, C.J. (1969) Notes on Rhodesian Coccidae (Homoptera: Coccoidea): Part II: The genera {Ceroplastes} and {Gascardia}., Arnoldia (Rhodesia)
- ↑ Seabra, A.F. de. (1941) [Contribution to an inventory of Lusitanica fauna (Insecta: Homoptera: Coccoidea).] Contribuiçoes para o inventário da fauna Lusitânica Insecta: Homoptera (Coccidae)., Memorias y Estudos deo Museo Zoologico da Universidade de Coimbra
- ↑ Brain, C.K. (1920) The Coccidae of South Africa - V., Bulletin of Entomological Research
- ↑ De Lotto, G. (1978) The soft scales (Homoptera: Coccidae) of South Africa, III., Journal of the Entomological Society of southern Africa
- ↑ Newstead, R. (1911) On a collection of Coccidae and Aleurodidae, chiefly African, in the collection of the Berlin Zoological Museum., Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin
- ↑ Granara de Willink, M.C. (1999) [Soft scale insects of Argentina (Homoptera: Coccoidea: Coccidae)] Las cochinillas blandas de la República Argentina (Homoptera: Coccoidea: Coccidae)., Contributions on Entomology, International
- ↑ Kiritchenko, A.N. (1932) Suborder Coccoidea. Scale insects., Trudy po Zashchite Rastenii, Series Entomologya
- ↑ Jansen, M.G.M. (1995) Scale insects (Homoptera: Coccinea) from import interceptions and greenhouses in the Netherlands., Israel Journal of Entomology
- ↑ Balachowsky, A.S. (1939) Les cochenilles de Madère (seconde partie). II. Lecaniinae - Eriococcinae - Dactylopinae - Ortheziinae - Margarodidae., Revue de Pathologie Végétale et d'Entomologie Agricole de France
- ↑ Balachowsky, A.S. (1933) Les coccides des Iles d'Hyères (Contributión a .l'étude des coccids de France, 16e note)., Annales de la Société d'Histoire Naturelles de Toulon
- ↑ Hall, W.J. (1924) The insect pests of citrus trees in Egypt., Bulletin, Ministry of Agriculture, Egypt, Technical and Scientific Service
- ↑ Gómez-Menor Ortega, J. (1958) Cochinillas que atacan a los frutales (Homoptera, Coccoidea: II. Familias Lecanidae y Margarodidae)., Boletín de Patología Vegetal y Entomología Agrícola. Madrid
- ↑ Green, E.E. (1923) Observations on the Coccidae of the Madeira Islands., Bulletin of Entomological Research
- ↑ Gill, R.J. & Kosztarab, M. (1997) 3.1.1 Economic importance.,
- ↑ Fernandes, I.M. (1992) [Contribution to the knowledge of Coccoidea (Homoptera) of Portugal. 1 - Annotated list of Cochineals of the garden of the Zoology Center.], Garcia de Orta, Serie de Zoologia, Lisboa (1990)
- ↑ Argyriou, L.C. (1970) [Scale insects on citrus in Greece.] Les cochenilles des citrus en Grece., Al Awamia
- ↑ Argyriou, L.C. (1983) Faunal analysis of some scale insects in Greece., Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium of Central European Entomofaunistics, Budapest, 15-20 Agosto 1983
- ↑ Corseuil, E. & Barbosa, V.M.B. (1971) [The Coccidae family in the Rio Grande do Sul (Homoptera, Coccoidea).] A familia Coccidae no Rio Grande do Sul (Homoptera, Coccoidea)., Arquivos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro
- ↑ Cebeci, H. & Selmi, E. (2004) The coccidae species of Turkey., Orman Fakültesí Dergísí/Review of the Faculty of Istanbul
- ↑ Carvalho, J.P.M., Franco, J.C., Aguiar, F. & Soares, A.O. (1996) Insect pests of citrus in Portugal., Proceedings of the International Society of Citriculture
- ↑ Bouhélier, R., Defrance, P., de Francolini, J. & Rungs, C. (1932) [Control of pest scale insects on the Aurantiaceae.] La lutte contre les cochenilles nuisibles aux Aurantiacées., Defense des Cultures. Direction Générale de l'Agriculture du Commerce et de la Colonisation. (Rabat, Morocco)
- ↑ Vilar, J.M.D.S. (1952) [Background study of two {Ceroplastes} spp. (Insecta - Coccidae) from Portugal. II.] Subsídios para o estudo dos {Ceroplastes} spp. (Insecta - Coccidae) de Portugal. II., Broteria. Lisboa
- ↑ Vilar, J.M.D.S. (1951) [Background study of two {Ceroplastes} spp. (Insecta - Coccidae) from Portugal. I.] Subsidio para o estudo dos {Ceroplastes} spp. (Insecta - Coccidae) de Portugal. I., Broteria. Lisboa
- ↑ Viggiani, G. (1970) [Citrus scale insects in Italy and their damage and control problems.] Les cochenilles des agrumes en Italie et les problèmes se rapportant aux moyens de les combattre., Al Awamia
- ↑ Tuncyürek, M. (1970) [Pest scale insects on citrus in Turkey.] Les cochenilles nuisibles aux {Citrus} en Turquie., Al Awamia
- ↑ Tremblay, E. (1988) Entomologia applicata. Volume secondo, Parte prima.,
- ↑ Tranfaglia, A. & Viggiani, G. (1987) Scale insects of economic importance and their control in Italy., Bollettino del Laboratorio di Entomologia Agraria 'Filippo Silvestri'
- ↑ Tranfaglia, A. (1981) [Studies on Homoptera, Coccoidea: 5. Morpho-systematic notes on some species of cochineals with descriptions of 3 new species of Pseudococcidae.], Bollettino del Laboratorio di Entomologia Agraria 'Filippo Silvestri'. Portici
- ↑ Scortichini, M. (1987) [The mastic tree.] Il lentiso., Rivista di Frutticoltura e di Ortofloricoltura
- ↑ Rungs, C.E.E. (1970) [Phytosanitary problems of citrus culture in Morocco.] Problèmes phytosanitaires posés a l'agrumiculture marocaine., Al Awamia
- ↑ Pérez Guerra, G. & Carnero Hernandez, A. (1987) Coccids of horticultural crops in the Canary Islands., Bollettino del Laboratorio di Entomologia Agraria 'Filippo Silvestri'
- ↑ Pellizzari-Scaltriti, G. & Camporese, P. (1994) The {Ceroplastes} species (Homoptera: Coccoidea) of the Mediterranean basin with emphasis on {C. japonicus} Green., Annales de la Societe entomologique de France (N.S)
- ↑ Neves, M. (1936) [The coccids from Portugal (first list).] Les coccides du Portugal (première liste)., Bulletin de la Société Portugaise des Sciences Naturelles, Lisbonne
- ↑ Mori, N., Pellizzari, G. & Tosi, L. (2001) [First record of the wax scale {Ceroplastes ceriferus} (Fabricius) (Hemiptera, Coccoidea) in Italy.] Già acclimatato in Italia il coccide {Ceroplastes ceriferus} (Fabricius) (Hemiptera, Coccoidea)., Informatore Fitopatologia
- ↑ Liotta, G., Mineo, G. & Ragusa, S. (1977) [On the knowledge of certain arthropod pests of citrus in Sicily.] Sur l'état actuel des connaissances concernant certains arthropodes nuisibles aux agrumes en Sicile., Bollettino dell' Istituto di Entomologia Agraria Osservatorio Fitopatologia. Palermo
- ↑ Liotta, G. (1970) [Distribution of coccids on citrus in Sicily and introduction of a new species in western Sicily.] Diffusion des cochenilles des agrumes en sicile et introduction d'une nouvelle espece en Sicile occidentale., Al Awamia
- ↑ Balachowsky, A.S. (1927) Les insectes nuisibles au figuier en Algerie et leurs traitements., Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord
- ↑ Podsiadlo, E. (1983) Notes on scale insects (Homoptera, Coccoidea) found in Crete and their parasites., Fragmenta Faunistica
- ↑ Gómez-Menor Ortega, J. (1960) Adiciones a los "Cóccidos de España". V. (Superfamilia Coccoidea)., EOS
- ↑ Signoret, V. (1872) Essai sur les cochenilles ou gallinsectes (Homopteres - Coccides), 9e partie., Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France (serie 5)
- ↑ Targioni Tozzetti, A. (1866) Come certe cocciniglie sieno cagione di alcune melate delle piante, e di alcune ruggini; e come la cocciniglia del fico dia in abbondanza una specie di cera., Atti della R. Accademia dei Georgofili (N.S.)
- ↑ Cockerell, T.D.A. (1895) Coccidae or scale insects. - VI., Bulletin of the Botanical Department, Jamaica (Ser. 2)
- ↑ Balachowsky, A.S. (1930) Contribution à l'étude des coccides de France (1re note). Faunule des Iles d'Hyères (Port-Cros et Levant)., Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France
- ↑ Ezzat, Y.M. & Hussein, N.A. (1969) Redescription and classification of the family Coccidae in U.A.R. (Homoptera: Coccoidea)., Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique d'Egypte (1967)
- ↑ Uygun, N., Sengonca, C., Erkilic, L. & Schade, M. (1998) The Coccoidea fauna and their host plants in cultivated and non-cultivated areas in the East Mediterranean region of Turkey., Acta Phytopathologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
- ↑ Sengonca, C., Uygun, N., Karaca, I. & Schade, M. (1998) Primary studies on the parasitoid fauna of Coccoidea in cultivated and non-cultivated areas in the east Mediterranean region of Turkey., Anzeiger Schädlingskunde, Pflanzen(schutz) und Umweltschutz
- ↑ Rosen, D. (1969) The parasites of coccids, aphids and aleyrodids on citrus in Israel: some zoogeographical considerations., Israel Journal of Entomology
- ↑ Ben-Dov, Y. (1970) The wax scales of the genus {Ceroplastes} Gray (Homoptera: Coccidae) and their parasites in Israel., Israel Journal of Entomology
- ↑ Beatty, H.A. (1944) The insects of St. Croix, V.I., J. Agric. Univ.
- ↑ Green, E.E. (1917) Observations on British Coccidae: With descriptions of new species., Entomologist's Monthly Magazine
- ↑ Cockerell, T.D.A. (1893) Records of West Indian Coccidae, I., Journal of the Institute of Jamaica
- ↑ Goeze, J.A.E. (1778) Hemiptera. Entomologische Beyträge zu des Ritter Linné zwölften Ausgabe des Natursystems,
- ↑ Linnaeus, C. (1758) Insecta. Hemiptera. Coccus. Systema naturae.,
- ↑ Kozár, F., Paloukis, S. & Papadopoulos, N. (1991) New scale insects (Homoptera: Coccoidea) in the Greek entomofauna., Entomologia Hellenica
- ↑ Fernandes, I.M. (1989) [Contribution to the knowledge of Coccoidea (Homoptera) from Angola.] Contribuiçao para o conhecimento de Coccoidea (Homoptera) de Angola., Garcia de Orta, Ser. Zool.
- ↑ Gómez-Menor Ortega, J. (1958) Homopteros Sternorrhyncha de la Provincia de Granada., Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural. Madrid (Sección Biológica)
- ↑ Fernandes, I.M. (1993) [New data on the knowledge of scale species from the islands of S. Tome and Principe.] Novos dados para o conhecimento da quermofauna das ilhas de S. Tome e Principe., Garcia de Orta, Ser. Zool.
- ↑ Fernandes, I.M. (1973) [Some Coccoidea (Homoptera) of Archipelago of Cabo Verde.] Alguns Coccoidea (Homoptera) do Arquipelago de Cabo Verde., Memorias. Junta de Investigacoes do Ultramar. Lisboa
- ↑ Faurot-Bouchet, E. & Michel, G. (1965) [Composition of insect wax. II. Wax from {Ceroplastes rusci, Icerya purchasi, Pulvinaria flocifera (floccifera?)} and {Quadraspidiotus perniciosus}.], Bulletin de la Société Chimie Biologique
- ↑ Van Harten, A., Cox, J.M. & Williams, D.J. (1990) Scale insects of the Cape Verde Islands (Homoptera: Coccoidea)., Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg
- ↑ Gómez Clemente, F. (1950) [Auxiliary insects in the control of citrus pests.] Los insectos auxiliares en la lucha contra los nocivos a los agrios., Boletín de Patología Vegetal y Entomología Agrícola. Madrid
- ↑ Fernandes, I.M. (1981) [Coccoidea occurring in the Azores.] Contribuiçao para o conhecimento da quermofauna do arquipelago dos Açores., Garcia de Orta. Serie de Zoologia. Lisboa
- ↑ Khasawinah, A.M.A. & Talhouk, A.S. (1964) The fig wax scale, {Ceroplastes rusci} (Linn.)., Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Entomologie
- ↑ Kfir, R. & Rosen, D. (1980) Biological studies of {Microterys flavus} (Howard) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), a primary parasite of soft scales., Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa
- ↑ Ismail, A.I. & Abdalla, E.F. (2001) Efficiency and residual activity of some selective compounds against {Asterolecanium pustolans (pustulans?) Cock. and {Ceroplastes rusci} L. infesting fig trees., Annals of Agricultural Science (Cairo)
- ↑ Inserra, S. (1971) Il {Ceroplastes rusci} L. negli agrumeti della provincia di Catania., Bollettino del Laboratorio di Entomologia Agraria 'Filippo Silvestri', Portici
- ↑ Aziz, S.A.A.M.S. (1977) Phytophagous and entomophagous insects and mites of Iraq., Publication, University of Baghdad, Natural History Research Center
- ↑ Foldi, I. & Cassier, P. (1985) Ultrastructure comparée des glandes tégumentaires de treize familles de cochenilles (Homoptera: Coccoidea)., International Journal of Insect Morphology & Embryology
- ↑ Argyriou, L.C. & Santorini, A.P. (1980) On the phenology of {Ceroplastes rusci} L. (Hom. Coccidae) on fig-trees in Greece., Mededlingen van de Rijksfaculteit Landbouwwetenschappen te Gent
- ↑ Carles, L. (1985) [The fig. Part II. The most important pests and diseases.] Le figuier (2e partie): principales maladies., Arboriculture Fruitière
- ↑ Bénassy, C. & Franco, E. (1974) [The ecology of {Ceroplastes rusci} Homoptera Lecanoidae in the Alpes Maritimes.] Sur l'ecologie de {Ceroplastes} {rusci} L. (Homoptera, Lecanoidae) dans les Alpes-Maritimes., Annales de Zoologie - Ecologie Animale
- ↑ Bénassy, C. & Biliota, E. (1963) [{Ceroplastes rusci} L. (Homoptera, Coccoidea, Lecaninae), an interesting study of the dynamics of a population.] {Ceroplastes rusci} L. (Homoptera, Coccoidea, Lecaninae) exemple intéressant pour l'étude de la dynamique des populations., Entomophaga
- ↑ Bodkin, G.E. (1927) The fig wax-scale {(Ceroplastes) {rusci} L.) in Palestine., Bulletin of Entomological Research
- ↑ Wood, B.J. (1962) Natural enemies in the control of citrus pests in Cyprus., Countryman Nicosia
- ↑ Blanchard, R. (1883) [Useful coccids.] Les coccides utiles., Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France
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- ↑ Berlese, A. (1905) [On a new species of {Mucedinea}, parasite of {Ceroplastes rusci}.] Sopra una nuova specie di {Mucedinea} parassita del {Ceroplastes rusci}., Redia
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- ↑ Nakahara, S. (1978) {Ceroplastes denudatus}, junior synonym of {C}. {rusci} (Homoptera: Coccoidea: Coccidae)., Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington
- ↑ Mazzeo, G., Longo, S. & Russo, A. (1994) [New data on scale insects fauna of Southern Italy (Homoptera).] Nuove acquisizioni sulla coccidiofauna dell'italia meridionale., Memorie della Societa entomologica italiana. Genova
- ↑ Linnaeus, C. (1767) Insecta. Hemiptera. Coccus. Systema naturae.,
- ↑ Kozár, F. & Franco, J.C. (1995) Some new data to the scale insect fauna (Homoptera: Coccoidea) from Continental Portugal., Folia Entomologica Hungarica
- ↑ 152.0 152.1 Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (ed.) (2011). "Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist". Species 2000: Reading, UK. Ginkuhà 24 Septyembre 2012.CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) CS1 maint: extra text: authors list (link)
- ↑ ScaleNet: Systematic Database of the Scale Insects of the World. Ben-Dov Y. & Miller D.R., 5 Disyembre 2004
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